Activities of Daily Living Can Impact Disability Benefits Eligibility

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Activities of Daily Living Can Impact Disability Benefits Eligibility

Activities of Daily Living Can Impact Disability Benefits Eligibility

Several types of measures are used when determining whether someone could qualify for disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will ask questions about a variety of things surrounding your disability, including daily activities. Information on activities of daily living is used in conjunction with other evidence to decide your eligibility for disability benefits. Talk to a Philadelphia disability benefits attorney to learn more.

What Are Activities of Daily Living?

The basic definition of activities of daily living is activities people do related to at-home personal care. These are the routine tasks almost everyone goes through when Activities of Daily Living Can Impact Disability Benefits Eligibilitywaking up in the morning, maintaining themselves throughout the day, and going to bed. Most of these tasks are second nature like brushing teeth or using the restroom.

Using the restroom or brushing teeth might be second nature to most people, but a disability can drastically change this. Someone with a disability may not be able to perform certain activities of daily living the way they used to. The activities someone can no longer perform are important to identify when applying for disability benefits.

Applying for disability benefits is mostly about how a disability impacts work performance. However, examining activities of daily living is what the SSA may use for supporting evidence for your disability severity. For example, someone could claim their disability hinders their work performance but have no problems with their activities of daily living. The SSA may see this as a contradiction.

One of the main factors the SSA is looking for when examining disability benefits eligibility is whether the person can perform activities of daily living alone. In other words, if a person cannot perform an activity of daily living without assistance, then this indicates a limitation. When it comes to qualifying for disability benefits, limitations play a major role.

How Activities of Daily Living Impact Disability Benefits

The more limitations in activities of daily living someone has, the greater their chances are of receiving disability benefits. Looking at the types of activities of daily living may help you better identify your own. These categories include:

·      Feeding

·      Hygiene

·      Continence

·      Toileting

·      Ambulance

·      Dressing

Ambulance means the ability to move from one place to another without any help. Continence and toileting are often confused with each other. Toileting describes the ability to use the toilet while continence focuses on the ability to control bladder or bowel functions.

The way the SSA explores a person’s limitations for these activities is usually through a form with questions. Answer these questions to the best of your knowledge and with as much honesty as possible. Feel free to contact a Philadelphia disability lawyer if any questions or concerns arise during this application process. A lawyer can help you maximize your chances of receiving benefits.

Disability Lawyer in Pennsylvania

Going through the disability benefits application process is not always straightforward. Reach out to a Philadelphia individual disability insurance lawyer if you have concerns about your eligibility for disability benefits. Start by calling Edelstein Martin & Nelson today at (800) 300-0909 for a consultation about your disability. Our team of attorneys can help you obtain the disability benefits you need.