Can I Receive Philadelphia Disability Benefits for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

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Can I Receive Philadelphia Disability Benefits for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Can I Receive Philadelphia Disability Benefits for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

When it comes to mental struggles like generalized anxiety, many people assume that you cannot receive disability benefits for this because benefits are reserved for physical disabilities. This could not be further from the truth. In the Social Security Administration (SSA) definition of a qualifying disability, they describe a disability as being a physical or mental impairment that interferes with a person’s ability to work. As long as your anxiety demonstrates significant impairments, you have a chance to receive Philadelphia disability benefits. Talk to a Philadelphia Disability Attorney to find out what the requirements are.

Do I Have Philadelphia Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Before applying for disability benefits for anxiety, the best thing you can do to increase your chances of receiving benefits is to have yourself officially diagnosed. A visit to a psychiatrist is recommended, but you may also go to a general practitioner or therapist to figure out what type of anxiety disorder you have. Doing this is essential for your Philadelphia disability benefits application because, without medical evidence, your claim will likely be rejected.

Many people with anxiety they cannot explain and that seems to come out of nowhere generally struggle with generalized anxiety disorder. Some common signs of Philadelphia Can I Receive Philadelphia Disability Benefits for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?generalized anxiety disorder include both psychological and physical symptoms. Psychological symptoms include things like chronic feelings of:

  • Worry
  • Tension or restlessness
  • Unable to relax
  • Feeling uncertain about a lot of things

Experiencing these symptoms regularly can lead to indecisiveness, problems concentrating on important tasks, and overthinking which leads to poor decision making. This can easily lead to problems at work when you find yourself unable to complete a work task in a timely manner and end up slowing down progress. Some of the most severe cases of this disorder come with physical symptoms:

  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain or tension
  • Stomach aches or headaches

What Evidence Does My Philadelphia Disability Claim Require?

The section you want to look for on the SSA website that lays out the adult disabilities list is Anxiety-Related Disorders. Looking at the requirements under this listing is vital for your Philadelphia anxiety disability benefits application. Use this information as a guide for what documents and evidence to collect.

For generalized anxiety disorder, you must have three symptoms of either vigilance or scanning the room, hyperactivity, motor tension, or apprehensive expectations. You must also be able to show medical documentation of problems with pacing, concentration, and social functioning. The anxiety must result in moments of decompensation where you cannot function at work.

You can prove these symptoms with detailed medical documentation by a doctor or mental health professional of your symptoms, diagnosis, and impairments that could interfere with your ability to work.

Disability Attorney in Philadelphia

Anxiety can make organizing a strong disability claim feel overwhelming. Feel free to ask a Philadelphia Delayed Insurance Benefits Lawyer for help if you find yourself stuck in your application. All you have to do is contact Edelstein & Nelson today at (800) – 300 – 0909 for a consultation. One of our experienced Philadelphia disability attorneys can help you figure out what evidence you need for your claim.