Do I Include All My Medical Conditions in My Disability Claim?

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Do I Include All My Medical Conditions in My Disability Claim?

Do I Include All My Medical Conditions in My Disability Claim?

Many people wonder whether to include all their medical conditions when applying for disability benefits for a specific disability. The answer may depend on how many medical conditions you have, whether they impact work performance, and their relevance to your main disability. You do not have to go through the complex disability benefits application process alone. Consider consulting with a Pennsylvania disability lawyer about your disability claim.

Should I Include All My Medical Conditions?

In most cases, including all of your medical conditions in your disability claim will increase your chances of disability benefits. When it comes to documenting medical conditions for disability benefits, the most important thing is evidence. The best evidence for disability claims is medical documentation.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides disability benefits based on the eligibility criteria found in the Blue Book of conditions that cause impairments. If your disability is listed in this Blue Book, then your chances of receiving disability benefits are greater. When your disability is not explicitly listed in the Blue Book, the SSA will need to evaluate your eligibility for disability benefits in a different manner.

This involves reviewing your disability benefits application as an exception. At this point, the SSA will consider all your medical conditions. The cumulative effects of all your medical conditions will be examined. Ultimately, the goal is to determine whether these cumulative effects are strong enough to significantly impact your work performance and prevent you from working.

Not including enough details and excluding medical conditions has the potential to reduce your chances of receiving disability benefits. In some cases, disability claims are delayed. If you have any questions, then feel free to ask a Pennsylvania disability lawyer for help.

How to Document Your Medical Conditions

Documenting your medical conditions for your disability benefits application is one of the most important steps in this process. The disability benefits evidentiary requirements can make the difference in whether you receive disability benefits or not. These evidentiary requirements include:

·      Medical evidenceDo I Include All My Medical Conditions in My Disability Claim?

·      Evidence of symptoms

·      Non-medical evidence

·      Consultative examinations

Medical evidence includes any documented medical records that support your claim. This type of evidence can take a variety of forms including lab test results, diagnoses, doctor notes, lists of symptoms, and the prognosis. Evidence of symptoms can come from medical records and non-medical evidence. Non-medical evidence includes any evidence that does not come from a licensed medical professional.

You and your loved ones can document your symptoms by writing details about them. By writing symptom frequency, severity, and how daily functioning is impacted you will be revealing evidence of how your disability may impact work performance. Consultative examinations are usually ordered by the SSA when additional evidence is needed.

Contact Edelstein Martin & Nelson for a Free Consultation

Applying for disability benefits can be tedious and confusing at times. Do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Pennsylvania individual disability insurance attorney who can answer your questions. Feel free to call Edelstein Martin & Nelson at (800) 300-0909 for a consultation about today about your claim. Our legal is ready to help you secure the disability benefits you need.