Do Not Give Up if You Were Denied Social Security Disability Insurance

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Do Not Give Up if You Were Denied Social Security Disability Insurance

Do Not Give Up if You Were Denied Social Security Disability Insurance

Disability benefits programs are designed to replace lost income for those who can no longer work due to their disability. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA), who provides these benefits, may not accept every disability benefits application. Many initial disability claims are rejected. There might be other options for disability benefits if your claim was denied. Reach out to a Pennsylvania disability lawyer to find out more.

Why Was My Disability Claim Denied?

Do not panic if your initial disability benefits application was denied. Many people face rejection letters and notifications for their first disability claim. Some of the most common reasons for denied disability benefits revolve around missing information like:

  • A lack of medical evidenceDo Not Give Up if You Were Denied Social Security Disability Insurance
  • Missing details about the person or disability
  • Documents that were not submitted

These issues can often be easily resolved by finding the missing information, evidence, or document and submitting this for a re-review. Sometimes this is all it takes to turn a rejection into an acceptance of your disability claim. However, these might not be the only reasons.

Other common reasons for denied disability benefits are not meeting the eligibility criteria, not being a United States citizen, and failing to meet the income limitation. For example, not having enough work credits can automatically disqualify many people from the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program.

The SSDI program works based on Social Security taxes from previous jobs. A lack of adequate work history leaves many people with little to no work credits. However, you do not have to give up if you were denied access to the benefits of SSDI. There are other disability benefits programs out there that you could be eligible for.

Alternatives to Social Security Disability Insurance

While SSDI depends on work credits through work history, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program relies on income. Many people who are not eligible for SSDI end up applying to SSI. You could qualify for SSI if you have a significant mental or physical disability and limited income as a result.

To remain eligible for SSI, your monthly income must remain below a certain amount. This amount may vary each year and by each state. Medicaid and monthly income to cover basic needs come with this disability benefits program.

If you become disqualified for SSI and SSDI, there are alternatives. Private disability insurance companies offer a wide range of options and eligibility criteria. Some private disability insurance companies will offer benefits even if your disability is minor and short-term.

Try contacting a Pennsylvania disability lawyer to explore multiple options for disability benefits. A lawyer can help you increase your chances of receiving the financial aid you need.

Disability Attorney in Pennsylvania

Finding out your disability claim was rejected can be scary when you are in need of financial assistance. Do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Pennsylvania denied benefits appeal attorney to figure out why your disability claim was denied. All you have to do is call Edelstein Martin & Nelson today at (800) 300-0909 for a consultation about your case. Our team of lawyers is prepared to evaluate your disability claim to help improve your chances.