When people think of disabilities, not everyone thinks about or realizes how some mental disorders can disrupt life in significant ways. Severe anxiety can make working a long job difficult and may lead to fatal errors depending on the type of work. This can cause people with any of the five main anxiety disorders to lose their job and have trouble finding work. Consider talking to a Philadelphia Disability Attorney about your options for Philadelphia disability benefits for anxiety disorders.
Psychiatrists and other professionals in the field of psychology have classified anxiety syndromes into five main diagnosable anxiety disorders. If you were diagnosed with any of these five anxiety disorders, then your chances of receiving Philadelphia anxiety disability benefits increases. These five anxiety disorders include:
When you are first being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, the health professional will rule out external causes of your anxiety to make sure your anxiety is not better explained by things like stressors, biological issues, substance use, or certain medications. Once this is done, your healthcare provider will carefully identify your symptoms to narrow the diagnosis down to one anxiety disorder that fits your anxiety the most.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) will go off of this diagnosis but may require additional information through a consultative exam before approving your disability benefits. Each anxiety disorder comes with its own disability eligibility requirements that can be found in the SSA Blue Book. All anxiety disorders must also impair your thinking, work productivity, social abilities, and the inability to adapt to new situations.
There are two Philadelphia disability programs to choose from, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI is designed for people who can no longer work because of a physical or mental disability with the requirement of a certain number of Social Security work credits. Not having enough work credits or a history of working might prevent you from being eligible for SSDI.
SSI is designed for people who need either additional income or a steady monthly income to replace lost income as a result of their disability. This is a great option for people who do not qualify for SSDI benefits or who can still work some hours despite their disability, but not enough to cover their financial necessities. However, the catch with this program is you cannot make more than a certain amount of monthly income or else your application will be denied.
Do not give up if your disability claim for anxiety was rejected. A Philadelphia Denied Benefits Appeal Lawyer can help you pinpoint the reason for this and find the right solution for your unique circumstance. Feel free to call Edelstein & Nelson today at (800) – 300 – 0909 for a consultation. Our legal team of Philadelphia disability attorneys is dedicated to helping clients collect the disability evidence they need for a strong claim.