Seeking Medicare benefits with your Philadelphia disability benefits can be important for being able to cover all your medical bills, especially if your disability involves long-term medical services. Some disabilities can come with a variety of medical expenses, including physical therapy and at-home nurse services that may not be covered by traditional health insurance. If you have been denied Medicare insurance despite having a legitimate disability, consider seeking help from a Philadelphia disability lawyer for legal help.
Applying for Philadelphia Medicare is usually simple if you are under the age of 65 and have already applied for disability benefits because Medicare should automatically be applied to you if your disability benefits application was accepted. However, you will not receive your Medicare benefits until 24 months after you started receiving Social Security Disability benefits and disability benefits under certain programs offered by the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). If this does not happen, be sure to contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) or a lawyer with experience in this area.
What should happen is you will receive your Medicare insurance cards through the mail in the colors red, white, and blue. You will automatically be given Part A and Part B of the Medicare insurance plan, but some people may not want Part B right away. You can also choose whether you also want Part C, a Medicare Advantage Plan, and Part D, a Medicare drug coverage plan.
Many people wonder if they can still receive Medicare coverage if they can return to work despite the limitations of their disability. The good news is that you can retain your Medicare insurance as long as your disability has not been cured and remains a part of your medical record as your diagnosis.
There are two main parts of Philadelphia Medicare coverage you should become familiar with to understand your benefits. Part A involves insurance coverage for hospital or nursing facility stays, at-home health care, and hospice care. This can help when your disability requires you to stay overnight in a hospital or you need nursing assistance at home.
Part B offers coverage for general health care services like doctor’s appointments, medical equipment, medications, and other forms of outpatient care. If you are going through a private insurance company, you may be able to add Part C and D to your Medicare plan. Part C offers financial assistance for other services for your vision, hearing, and dental appointments. This can help if you have a Philadelphia hearing disability or related disability. Lastly, Part D provides additional coverage for medications, which can be expensive on their own.
Not receiving the disability or Medicare benefits you need to cover your expenses while you have a disability can be a scary financial situation to go through. Feel free to ask a Philadelphia individual disability benefits attorney for help if you ever find yourself in this situation. Contact Edelstein & Nelson at 800-887-4529 for a consultation today. One of Pennsylvania disability lawyers can help you figure out why your benefits were delayed or denied and can then take steps from there to secure the coverage you need.