How Ineffective Ambulation Might Help You Start Receiving Disability Benefits

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How Ineffective Ambulation Might Help You Start Receiving Disability Benefits

How Ineffective Ambulation Might Help You Start Receiving Disability Benefits

Ineffective ambulation could be what it takes for you to secure disability benefits. Figuring out whether this definition applies to your disability could potentially speed up your application. Do not be discouraged if your initial disability benefits application was denied. You might be able to file a stronger claim by asking a Pennsylvania denied benefits appeal lawyer for help.

What Does Ineffective Ambulation Mean?

You might be wondering what ineffective ambulation actually means. The Social Security Administration (SSA), which controls government disability benefits, generally defines ineffective ambulation as extreme limitations in walking abilities. How Ineffective Ambulation Might Help You Start Receiving Disability BenefitsLimitations must be severe enough to prevent the person from walking without help from some form of an assistive device.

Assistive devices may include crutches, wheelchairs, railings, walkers, and the use of two canes to walk. The person must not be able to use public transportation and walk up steps without assistance. Whether the person can walk the length of a street block with uneven surfaces is also considered.

In other words, a person who is unable to walk independently of devices or assistance from others could be considered for ineffective ambulation. This is common with medical conditions and disabilities that impact walking. Whether chronic pain or multiple sclerosis is the cause of your walking problems, the SSA will take this into consideration.

Proving ineffective ambulation for your disability benefits claim might increase your chances of receiving benefits. There are several steps that can be taken to do this. Feel free to contact a Pennsylvania disability lawyer if you have any questions or concerns about this.

Ways to Prove Ineffective Ambulation

There are several ways to prove ineffective ambulation that may involve undergoing physical tests and evaluations. The SSA may have you go to your doctor or an evaluator of their choosing. Medical evaluations may include range of motion tests and tests of ambulation. Some evaluations may also involve spinal function tests, motor function tests, and walking tests.

Do not worry if you cannot do some of these tests due to your disability or medical condition. This will serve as further evidence that your disability severely limits your ability to ambulate effectively. You may not have to go through every test depending on the type of disability you have.

Other than tests, you can also prove ineffective ambulation with evidence. The more medical evidence you can submit, the better. Collect and submit evidence like test results, methods that failed to fix your ineffective ambulation, and doctor’s notes about your limitations. Therapy notes and assistive device lists can also help prove your ineffective ambulance.

Prepare to submit all of this evidence with your disability benefit application. You might be asked questions for additional information during the disability benefits interview.

Disability Lawyer in Pennsylvania

The disability benefits application process can feel intimidating. Reach out to a Pennsylvania individual disability insurance attorney if you have questions about how this process works. All you have to do is call Edelstein Martin & Nelson today at (800) 300-0909 for a consultation. Our team of Pennsylvania disability lawyers is prepared to help you file for disability benefits.