November 25, 2018
What to Do if Your Long-Term Disability Claim is Denied

What to Do if Your Long-Term Disability Claim is Denied

If you are filing for long-term disability, it is likely because of a damaging event that is now inhibiting your ability to provide for yourself and your loved one. Many people have comprehensive insurance policies for that exact reason– to ensure that you are covered and protected no matter what […]
November 10, 2018
Working in Philadelphia While Receiving Social Security Benefits

Working in Philadelphia While Receiving Social Security Benefits

In order to receive Social Security benefits, the government requires that you not be able to engage in certain kinds of physical activity that pertain to your injuries or illness. However, since the definition is vague, it is possible to work and earn money while still being eligible for disability […]
September 19, 2018
When Does Long-Term Disability Start?

When Does Long-Term Disability Start?

The very notion of getting injured at work and no longer being able to support yourself is frightening. But what’s even scarier is the fact that if you might not be covered by a long-term disability policy in Pennsylvania, if that should happen not being able to work is going […]