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*Upon request, contact information of testimonial clients can be obtained. We have clients nationwide.
Testimonial by John
You prepared all of the necessary documents as well as engage all of the right medical professionals in support of my claim. The success of getting my LTD benefits back, as well as a final settlement were directly due to you and your support team. I could not have done it without you…
Testimonial by M.C.
Keith Martin is as good as it gets in terms of effective and experienced counsel, especially on matters requiring ERISA related cases and understanding of the handling disability cases. I worked for 40 years and always felt comfortable knowing that the group plan my employer purchased an insurance policy for long term disability was my safety net in case anything happened to me. When my Doctor’s put me on disability I filed a claim with the insurance company only to be denied. They were obviously just trying take advantage of me. I was devastated and did not have the strength to take on a large insurance company.
I met with Keith and he immediately started to develop a plan of action to protest the insurance company’s decision. His aggressive, never give up attitude along with his extensive knowledge and experience in handling these cases resulted in having the insurance company’s decision overturned. Another aspect of this firm is the open line of communication both from them in updating me on the status of the claim and answering my questions anytime in a timely fashion. This saved our family from deep financial stress. I can only speak of him in superlatives. His teams’ hard work and determination got us the safety net I was entitled. There is simply no better team to advise, and act on your behalf to get you the justice you deserve.
Testimonial by A.R.
I was a director of a vacation resort and became disabled as a result of a failed neck surgery. I suffer with lifetime pain and need daily narcotic medications to make it through the day. My employer’s disability company denied me long term disability benefits. I had let another lawyer file my appeal and lost. I called Keith who miraculously convinced the insurance carrier to allow a second appeal not specified in my insurance contract. Keith’s appeal was so convincing and overwhelming, the insurance carrier basically threw in their cards and the case settled after a judicial mediation.
Testimonial by E.S.
I was a scientist with a major pharmaceutical company. I suffered with severe depression that disabled me from my occupation. After paying two years of benefits for my inability to do my own job, my insurance company denied me benefits. I learned that my employer’s disability was covered by a law known as ERISA and, therefore, after two years I only was entitled to benefits if I could no longer work any job that existed and I could do based on my education, training and experience. My employer’s disability company believed, contrary to my doctors, that I could work many jobs. I was denied the benefits I deserved and felt like the insurance company took advantage of me in failing to explain what I needed to prove to obtain my deserved benefits as well as failed to acknowledge my condition. Keith Martin worked with my doctors as well as employing various other experts and was successful in my appeal for benefits. I have been on claim now for many years and feel confident that this will continue with Keith on my side. He proved my condition is permanent and the insurance company is continually paying what I am owed.
Testimonial of P.J.
I was a machinist employed as an independent contractor disabled due to vascular and pulmonary disease. Over the years. I had purchased various individual disability policies and was covered by a group policy with the company I was working for at the time of my disability. The policies were confusing to me, both as to the definitions of disability and as to the effects of each policy on the amounts I was due in benefits. Keith took the time to meet with me after reading the policies and explained everything to me clearly. He was able to obtain for me the full benefit under one policy, settled for a lump sum on the second policy and I have been on claim and receiving monthly benefits for years on the third policy.
Testimonial of S.B.
I am a self-employed chiropractor who became disabled due to a permanent and chronic back injury. After filing a claim with my disability company, I learned that the company Was no longer in business and was purchased by a major disability carrier. I thought I had purchased years earlier a policy that would cover me for life if I could not perform my own occupation and further that I would still be paid if I worked at another less demanding job. Unfortunately, I never kept a copy of my policy and records of the old company were destroyed . My new insurance carrier took the position my benefits were not for life but to age 65 and further that I had a policy that only paid me for two years if I couldn’t do my own job and thereafter only if I couldn’t do any job in the economy. Keith Martin got my case resolved in 3 months resulting in a significant settlement. He listened to my claims after other attorneys either wouldn’t or couldn’t listen to me, doubted my story or said they couldn’t help. I live half way across the country from Mr. Martin and couldn’t find a lawyer. He contacted my prior insurance agent and kept digging to obtain proof my claim was just. Thanks to Keith I am happily retired now on funds Keith helped me obtain
Testimonial of T.M.
I was an anesthesiologist disabled due to a heart condition. My private disability company approached me about a lump sum buyout of my policy. I was thinking of taking the insurance company offer although I felt it probably was not enough. My sister is a physician that Mr. Martin previously represented successfully after being denied benefits after thoracic outlet surgery. Keith explained to me how the insurance carrier arrives at lump sum settlement figures. Thereafter, Keith had my records examined by one of the top cardiologists in the country to render a report that my mortality rate was actually lower than the insurance company doctor said it was. As a result, Keith obtained for me a settlement twice what was previously offered.
Testimonial of S.T.
I was the director of development at a major pharmaceutical company. I suffer with fibromyalgia and depression. I was denied benefits under my employer’s ERISA policy after being on claim for four years. My insurance carrier said there were many jobs I could do after video surveillance of me. Keith Martin obtained no less than eight experts to help me win my case. Keith leaves no stone unturned.
Testimonial of M.D.
I was a nurse denied long-term disability benefits. Keith Martin won my appeal and then settled my case for a large lump sum. It was all overwhelming for me and Keith took care of everything promptly and to my satisfaction. I am now retired after relocating South where it is more conducive to my back injury. Keith made it possible.
Testimonial of M.P.
I was a purchasing manager for a medical device company. I suffered with brachial plexus and musculoskeletal injury. My case was first appealed by another lawyer and I lost. He referred me to Keith Martin for a second appeal allowed under my policy. Keith, as opposed to other lawyers, listened to my thoughts and ran with them. He was thorough and understood the nuances of my policy. Other lawyers say they can handle the claim but Keith had the real expertise to do so and proved it when he won my claim for back benefits. After that, my claim settled for a large lump sum. I am now retired in Florida. Without Keith this would not have been possible.
Testimonial of S.F.
I was a self-employed salesman of medical equipment. I had an own occupation private disability policy and was on claim for six years due to a hormonal disorder. After many insurance company medical exams and video surveillance I was denied benefits. My first lawyer lost my appeal. He then referred me to Keith Martin. Keith contacted all my doctors and employed a litany of other experts. He was dogged in pursuit of my claim and won my appeal. Back benefits were paid and I settled with the insurance company for a large sum. Keith delivers.
Testimonial from E.S.
I had been a scientist and living in Connecticut and working for a major pharmaceutical company. I was diagnosed with a severe mental disability. When my condition got debilitating, I applied for Long Term Disability benefits through my insurance company and after 45 days my application was denied. I was devastated and felt as if I was being discriminated against or was being robbed of the very benefits I was paying for on a monthly basis.
I was referred to attorney Keith Martin who is a Disability case Lawyer who represented me and won my case within a few months. I have been a client of attorney martin for 3 years now and have been very pleased with the service he and his staff provide.
I have found them to be very professional and ethical. They are extremely knowledgeable in the segment of the law that they practice, which is Long Term Disability.
Testimonial from S.J.
I worked as a project coordinator for a major communications company. I suffer with fibromyalgia and depression. My company denied my claim for Long Term Disability benefits. My first lawyer handled my appeal and did not employ any experts. Keith Martin handled my second appeal aggressively and secured the payment of my back benefits in addition to the current monthly benefit payments I receive. I am very thankful for Mr. Martin.