Private and public disability insurance companies alike often use confusing terminology to decrease your chances of receiving benefits. Many insurance companies will hire lawyers to write the policies in complicated legal jargon to confuse the average person. This makes filling out applications and collecting evidence for your disability difficult. You may miss a loophole or submit the wrong document because of a misunderstanding of the requirements. Try consulting with a Pennsylvania individual disability insurance lawyer if you find the application process frustrating.
Disability insurance companies are not the only companies that attempt to confuse consumers; so do most insurance companies in general. Insurance companies will counter your claims that you were promised benefits in the contract with anti-concurrent clauses and easily-missed details that are explained with sophisticated terms. These missed details will not be explained in the beginning when you are signing up for benefits. This is because many insurers do not want you to know that they do not cover everything.
When it comes to disability insurance, insurers may use confusing terms to prevent you from being accepted into their program. This might mean a misunderstanding of what documents to submit, what details to provide about your situation, or what disability you were diagnosed with. Some people with a disability may feel like their disability is not listed in the Blue Book of the Social Security Administration (SSA), but this may not always be true.
An experienced lawyer will be able to translate much of the complicated language of disability applications to increase your chances of being accepted. They will be able to see which disability category you match best in the Blue Book.
To avoid denied benefits and misunderstandings, it is a good idea to consult with a lawyer, but there are also some basic ideas that you should understand before applying. Disability insurance is basically a form of insurance benefits offered only to people who qualify for the SSA’s definition of a disability. This definition defines disability as a physical or mental condition that prevents you from working a steady job. However, some policies will require your disability to prevent you from working any job at all.
Short-term disability benefits may only cover up to six months, whereas long-term disability benefits tend to cover you for life, but not until six months after your disability. The waiting period before you receive benefits is also common and typically lasts 30 days. A waiver of premium is an option that does not require you to pay premiums until your disability ends.
Residual benefits only cover gaps in income for partial disabilities, but some amount of benefits will cover 60% of your income. You may need to find a disability insurance company that covers your specific disability because some companies only cover disabilities from illness or injury.
Talk to a Pennsylvania group insurance benefits lawyer if you are finding the application process difficult. We can help you sort through the requirements to make sure you send the right information and documents. You can call Edelstein & Nelson at (800) 300-0909 for a consultation today.