Ways to Speed Up the SSD Benefits Hearing Process

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Ways to Speed Up the SSD Benefits Hearing Process

Many people who submit Social Security Disability (SSD) Benefits applications receive denial letters at first. However, there are various ways you can respond to these letters. One of them is to request a hearing to appeal the rejection. You will need to offer evidence and reasons why you need SSD benefits. A Philadelphia denied benefits appeal lawyer can help you collect and organize evidence to increase your chances of a successful appeal.

The Hearing Process

To schedule a hearing for an appeal, you will need to request an appeal within 60 days after you received the letter of denial. A hearing by an administrative law judge will be set up for you. The two different types of hearings are medical determination and non-medical determination. Medical determination hearings will be centered around medical reasons for why your benefits application was rejected. Non-medical determination hearings will focus on every other reason for denials like income, overpayments, and living situations.

Both hearings can be requested online, by phone, or in person. You can also check the status of your hearing online, regardless of the way you requested a hearing. To do this, you will be asked to use your social security account, which can be created through the Social Security Administration website.

Speeding Up the Hearing Process

So you have your hearing requested, but you have not heard back in months. You are not alone. Most people have to wait several months and even years before a hearing is set up. However, you may not have to wait much longer. The two main ways to speed up the hearing process are sending a dire need letter and requesting a review on the record.

Ways to Speed Up the SSD Benefits Hearing ProcessDire need letters can be sent when your financial situation is severe enough to require an early hearing. You will be expected to list and detail your financial problems, challenges, and obstacles. For example, you can list any potential consequences of not receiving an earlier hearing like not being able to afford medications or further healthcare for your disability. Foreclosures are also important to mention. Upon completion, send this letter to the Office of Hearings and Appeals. Be sure to include evidence of your financial struggles like a copy of your eviction notice or doctor’s notes.

A review on the record is a request to have the hearing office review your submitted documents before a hearing is scheduled. To increase your chances of having this request accepted, you should present as much evidence as possible to avoid further denials that could delay the process. This is highly recommended for disabilities and mental conditions that are becoming worse over a short period of time.

Disability Attorney in Philadelphia

SSD Benefits applications can be confusing and tedious. Not everyone is in the right type of situation financially or mentally to pull together all the information and documents that are required. If you are experiencing trouble, consider talking to a Philadelphia disability lawyer. Contact Edelstein & Nelson today at (800) 300-0909 for consultation. We will investigate your situation and work with you to organize all the relevant documents to increase your chances of a successful appeal.