What Genitourinary Conditions Qualify for Disability Insurance?

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What Genitourinary Conditions Qualify for Disability Insurance?

Genitourinary conditions involve medical problems with the kidneys that require extensive medical treatments or interventions. You may qualify for disability insurance for any of the listed genitourinary conditions listed the Social Security Administration Blue Book as long as you meet certain requirements. Your condition must impair your ability to work and perform tasks required by your job in a significant way. Applications for disability benefits can be tedious. Reach out to a Pennsylvania disability lawyer if you have questions about this process. 

Types of Genitourinary Disorders Covered by Disability Benefits

Genitourinary disorders are listed by the SSA as chronic kidney diseases. These diseases are detrimental to kidney health and function, to the extent that a person’s ability to work or perform certain tasks can be negatively affected. Some specific conditions What Genitourinary Conditions Qualify for Disability Insurance?under this category include:

  • Chronic obstructive uropathy
  • Diabetic nephropathy
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Hereditary nephropathies

See the Blue Book listing titled, Genitourinary Disorders, in the Adult Listings to see the other listed conditions. This can be found online and also lists what qualifications you need to receive disability benefits. These qualifications include submitting evidence of your condition like medical record copies of tests that support your diagnosis of CKD.

However, the medical evidence of your CKD must span at least 90 days to be considered for review. You may also be asked to submit records of an estimated glomerular filtration rate and kidney biopsy. In some cases, a kidney transplant and severe anorexia may qualify you for disability insurance. People who require dialysis may also qualify. 

Disability Benefits for Genitourinary Conditions

Disability benefits for genitourinary conditions can be used to help cover your basic living expenses like housing and food when you cannot work the same number of hours or can no longer work at all. The two main types of disability benefit programs are Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance. 

SSI is only offered for people who can work, but earn less income because of their genitourinary condition. This program requires you to make less than $734 a month to qualify. However, couples can still qualify if they only make $1,100 a month. SSDI, on the other hand, is for people who cannot work at all because of a disability. This program offers monetary benefits on a monthly basis, but you must have built up Social Security taxes through your previous work history for you to qualify. 

Increasing your chances of approval is all about filling out the application accurately, submitting medical evidence of your condition, and including doctor’s notes about how this condition affects your ability to work. 

Disability Attorney in Pennsylvania

Having your disability benefits application delayed or denied can be a terrifying experience when you are struggling financially. An experienced Pennsylvania delayed insurance benefits lawyer can help you figure out what went wrong to cause this. Call Edelstein & Nelson at 1-800-300-0909 today for a consultation. One of our disability insurance lawyers will work with you to investigate your disability claim to help you build a strong argument in your defense.