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When Back Pain Becomes a Disability

When Back Pain Becomes a Disability

Back pain can create a variety of physical problems for people. Not only does back pain impact work performance, but certain types of back pain can also prevent sleep. Over time, this can lead to significant distress that leaks into multiple life areas. Reach out to a Philadelphia disability lawyer if your back pain is turning into a disabling condition.

Causes of Back Pain and Treatments

There are several factors that can cause and lead up to chronic back pain. Some of the main causes of back pain include:

·      Back injuriesWhen Back Pain Becomes a Disability

·      Prolonged improper or strenuous use of the back

·      Muscle spasms

·      Soft tissue damage in the back

·      Herniated discs in the spine

·      Infections

·      Diseases like osteoarthritis

Some back pain causes have no cure but rather, treatment aimed at pain management. Not everyone is able to fully improve their ability to manage their back pain. For some people, the back pain can grow worse with age or as the disease progresses. Degenerative disc disease, for example, often involves increasing back pain as time passes.

The main symptom of many of these back conditions is chronic back pain. For certain conditions, the back pain may be constant or only rise with certain movements and strenuous activity. Part of treatment and management may require avoiding strenuous activities. This can make working certain jobs almost impossible.

Many doctors treat chronic back pain with physical therapy and medications. Other treatments for back pain vary based on the cause and include:

·      Exercise

·      Surgeries

·      Assistive devices

·      Osteopathic manipulation

·      Reduction or modification of physical activities

Treatment goes through different phases depending on the severity and type of condition. Early treatment tends to require pain reduction and direct treatments of the cause. This could mean injections, electrical stimulation, and medications. Later treatments involve pain management and ways to reduce excessive back strain.

Qualifying for Back Pain Disability Benefits

Qualifying for back pain disability benefits can be challenging if your only limitation is pain. You might be able to qualify for disability benefits if you have any of the following medical conditions:

·      Osteoarthritis

·      Degenerative disc disorder

·      Herniated spinal discs

·      Spinal stenosis

·      Scoliosis

There are several other conditions listed in the Social Security Administration (SSA) Blue Book that might be worth looking at. Many musculoskeletal disorders may qualify you for disability benefits for back pain. The more limitations you can list with your back pain, the greater your chances of receiving disability benefits.

Work with your doctor to detail how your back pain limits your ability to work. Cooperate with consultative examinations ordered by the SSA that will show how your condition impairs work skills. Consider how your back pain impacts your ability to lift objects, stand for long periods, push heavy objects, and operate heavy machinery.

Try contacting a Philadelphia disability lawyer for guidance. An experienced lawyer can walk you through the disability claims process.

Disability Attorney in Philadelphia

Requesting disability benefits for back pain can difficult. Do not hesitate to ask a Philadelphia individual disability insurance lawyer about your options when your disability claim was denied. Contact Edelstein & Nelson today at (800) 300-0909 for a consultation about your disability. Our experienced Philadelphia disability attorneys are prepared to help you fight for the disability benefits you need.