December 31, 2018
Filing an ERISA Claim

Filing an ERISA Claim

What is an ERISA Claim? An ERISA Claim, or the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, works to protect the interests of employees who are enrolled in a variety of benefit plans while employed. These plans have promised benefits associated with them, so this claim allows employees to be able to […]
December 11, 2018
Long-Term Disability and Migraines

Long-Term Disability and Migraines

Millions of Americans suffer from migraine headaches each year. Some people only get them occasionally, but others are victims of chronic, frequent migraines that noticeably diminish their ability to perform the work duties and responsibilities. Because of this limitation, those who suffer from disabling migraines may qualify for individual or […]
October 19, 2018
Do I Really Need a Long-Term Disability Policy?

Do I Really Need a Long-Term Disability Policy?

Life is unpredictable and just when you think you have everything planned out; things may just come crashing down. While you may not be able to prevent life from happening you can have a safety net – and that’s where having a Long-Term Disability Policy comes in handy and a […]